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Climate change threatens fish stocks, but also creates new opportunities for fishing. Areas in the Tropics are predicted to see declines of up to 40% in potential seafood catch by 2050.


A meteorologist is a scientist who studies and works in the field of meteorology aiming to understand or predict Earth's atmospheric phenomena including the weather.Those who study meteorological phenomena are meteorologists in research, while those using mathematical models and knowledge to prepare daily weather forecasts are called weather forecasters or operational meteorologists.


A year of extreme weather events has weighed heavy on India's agricultural sector. After the drop in wheat production due to heat waves, extreme weather events have now cast a shadow on rice production, which is likely to drop beyond centre's initial 6% loss estimate.

Normal Users

understand the risks of climate change to development, the World Bank Group commissioned the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics to look at the likely impacts of temperature increases from 2ºC to 4ºC in three regions. The scientists used the best available evidence and supplemented it with advanced computer simulations to arrive at likely impacts on agriculture, water resources,


shorter winter tourism season in the northern states where the cold weather enables winter sports activities such as skiing and snowboarding. Coastal tourism along India's stretched coastline may become less attractive to tourists due to damage and disruption to coral reefs and marine wildlife.

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